Linus Jeremy Miller was a former main protagonist on That Girl Lay Lay.
He is portrayed by Caleb Brown.
Jeremy is good at science and also not the brightest bulb in the bunch. He is a super-fun friend everyone wants to have, just that go-with-the-flow kind of person.
Jeremy has short brown curly hair and brown eyes while appearing to have a good physique.
Season 1 (10/13)[]
- Out The App
- You-Go-Girl-Kart
- Lay Lay the Legendary
- Ha-Lay-Lay-Ween
- BoomBox Burger Bop
- That Dude Dylan
- Mozzarella Heads
- Make Room For Lay Lay
- Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-Lay Lay
- Granny Fae Fae & Lay Lay
- His full name is Linus Jeremy Miller, as revealed in Ha-Lay-Lay-Ween.
- He doesn't return in Season 2 due to being written out of the show.
- It's unknown whatever became of him after Granny Fae Fae & Lay Lay.
The image gallery for Jeremy Miller may be viewed here.