Marcus Mosiah "Marky" Alexander is a main character in That Girl Lay Lay.
He is portrayed by Peyton Perrine III.
Sadie’s entrepreneurial and nosy little brother always has an investment opportunity to pitch. He’s often the key witness to Sadie and Lay Lay’s escapades and they either have to pay for his help or pay for his silence.
"Today's weather report is sunny with a chance of money," -Marky to Sadie
Season 1 (13/13)[]
- Out The App
- Lay Lay Lies Lies
- You-Go-Girl-Kart
- Lay Lay the Legendary
- Ha-Lay-Lay-Ween
- BoomBox Burger Bop
- Ha-Lay-Lay-Lujah
- That Dude Dylan
- Mozzarella Heads
- Lay Lay & Sadie's Big Hair Adventure
- Make Room For Lay Lay
- Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-Lay Lay
- Granny Fae Fae & Lay Lay
Season 2[]
- Ain't That a Glitch
- The Burger Games
- Lay Lay's Beauty Shop Day Day
- Lay Lay Gets a Pet Pet
- Dylan and Rebecca's Cleve-Land-Land Adventure
- His full name is Marcus Mosiah Alexander, as revealed in Lay Lay and Sadie Big Hair Adventure.
- He finds out Lay Lay's secret at the end of Granny Fae Fae & Lay Lay.
The image gallery for Marky Alexander may be viewed here.